
2 min readJul 24, 2023

I’ve been on 6 mg — 3 mg in the AM, 3 mg in the PM. I switched up my dosing schedule to 2 x 2 x 2 mg every 8 hours when I learned I might get better breast growth due to the steady levels 8 hour schedule gives you.

Then, my doctor raised my sublingual to 8 mg a day. I’m maxxed out, folx, hahaha. I space them out every eight hours 2 x 2 x 2 — but then split the last 2 mg in half and sandwich them in at 9 am and 5 pm. 2mg/spiro–5am, 1 mg 9 am, 2mg/spiro at 1pm, 1 mg at 5pm, 2 mg/progesterone at 9 pm. My spiro is down to 50 mg a day and progesterone is at 100 mg.

Breast growth is steady and slow, most definitely bigger since going to 8.

I’ll be moving to injections in October, I hope.

My sex drive returned on 6 mg a day, it’s increased on 8. Still very different from male sex drive. I prefer it. My body works better on E, w/r/t to that aspect of my life.

Socially, I’m out, my identity is fluid. I present somewhere on the 1970s androgynous end of the gender spectrum 😆 wear very light makeup and no one will ever see me as a woman. As a trans/queer person, sure, but not a woman. I am Cassandra/Cass/Cassie in a few places — AA, poetry circles, the union, Whit in most places and to most people, and dead name to some people. It’s all good. I wear what I want and try not to think about it. What other people think of me is none of my business.

I signed a book contract for a collection of poems, out in 2025, from Jackleg Press. Yay! Trans poems! Haha! Check it out at queerthewolf.com

My partner is not happy with me being a transwoman, and would really prefer me to have a more androgynous name. I like my name. It’s big and bold, it’s mythical, it's Greek, it’s extra.

I keep meaning to update this blog,

