“Clinics” in Little Patuxent Review

Mar 12, 2022

My contributor’s copies are in the mail. There’s a youtube video of me reading. My reading is good, not as androgynous, my voice, as I’d like, but you know, I’m like 10 months in, so whatevs. My look isn’t great either. Bad lighting, and I wish I had a better backdrop but their backdrop didn’t work for me (or most others, either). I’m visibly trans. Which is cool.

Would I rather be passing? Yes, but I am patient. My boobs are wicked small, but their mine and I love them.

Anyhoo, here’s a preview of my essay in the new issue of Little Patuxent Review! Much gratitude to Chelsea Lemon Fetzer, Gabriella Souza, Phyllis Greenbaum, and everyone for including me.

Clinics is about my experiences in clinical spaces as a recovered person and trans person, and the emotional intersections between.


